From the start, President Trump led by asking
the American people:
What do you want me to do?
And then he did it.
So, let’s review, shall we:
America: Our military needs to be updated to keep up with growing
foreign threats.
Trump: Fixed, and her is your new Space Force.
America: We have a terrorist problem.
Trump: Fixed.
America: We have nuke problems in North Korea and Iran.
Trump: Fixed, and here is your historic peace deal in North Korea.
America: We need to finish our embassy commitment to Israel.
Trump: Fixed, and here are your historic middle east peace deals.
America: We want to end endless wars.
Trump: Fixed, and here's your first no new wars created in 50+ years.
America: We need to secure our border.
Trump: Fixed.
America: We have a human and drug trafficking problem.
Trump: Fixed, and here are your historic busts, takedowns, meet
Epstein and Maxwell, and here is your Executive Branch's first Human
Trafficking office.
America: We have an energy independence problem.
Trump: Fixed.
America: We have an oceanic pollution problem.
Trump: Fixed, we are now leading the world via the best gov't policy
in operation.
America: We have an economic and manufacturing problem.
Trump: Fixed, its the most inclusive in our history and companies are
returning stateside.
America: We have a trade problem.
Trump: Fixed, and here is your tariff boon.
America: We have a money and market manipulation problem.
Trump: Fixed, and here are your historic stock and 401K gains.
America: We have an IP theft and espionage problem.
Trump: Fixed.
America: We have a Veteran healthcare problem.
Trump: Fixed, and now you can FIRE dereliction.
America: We have a medical insurance and prescription drug problem.
Trump: Fixed, and here is your Right to Choose.
America: We have a prison system problem.
Trump: Fixed, and I call for more bills like this to continue fixing
this problem.
America: We have a covid problem.
Trump: Fixed, here are your ventilators, masks, vaccine production,
and triage ships docked on the west and east coasts to mitigate reported
hospital overload. Also, HCQ + Zinc cure covid and the flu.
America: We have a transparency problem.
Trump: Fixed, here is your historic declass effort, meet Q.
America: We have a corrupted BigTech/news media problem.
Trump: Fixed, here are my class action lawsuits and
America: We have a gov't corruption and foreign infiltration problem.
Trump: Fixed, meet John Durham, Ratcliffe, Barr, and John Durham's
Special Council.
America: We have an election rigging problem.
Trump: Fixed, here is your election sting. Be patient though, we have
to reveal the theft and broader conspiracy to overthrow the American People
correctly, and the wheels of Justice turn slow. The best is yet to come, I
-Thank You Blueprint on TG
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