Posted by [US] on 1/24/2022 to
Frank Sinatra - The Best Is Yet To Come
Produced by Scotty Films
All Credit to Sinatra and @Scottymar10
[Newly Red-Pilled] Joe Rogan: Julian Assange exposed horrific crimes!
Do Not Extradite Assange
Biden Scored $3 million from China
CBS Focus Group- Not ONE believe America is in a better place #Trumpwasrightabouteverything
Weekend full of mandate protests around the world! #DefeatTheMandates
Installed Puppet Government list of #Failures
Largest voter clean up
Armenian President resigns
Assange granted extradition appeal
#Scottyfilms #scottymar #aaronvaughn #sealteam6 #newsic #newsandmusic #musicnews #newsmusic #headlineswithabeat #headlinestoabeat #FrankSinatra #sinatra #assange #puppetgovernment