Posted by [US] on 2/14/2021 to
Election Integrity
5.14.22 Update:
Michigan poll worker catches highly suspect absentee ballots.
A Detroit Poll Monitor describes her experience at the TCF Center, in Michigan
Ballot Drop at the TCF Center in Detroit Michigan, in the middle of the night.
In Michigan, there were over 616,000 people in the qualified voter file at the time of the 2020 election who were ineligible to vote.
That's more voters than were rightful age to be able to vote, at a time of population decline in Michigan.
#voterfraud #electionfraud #dontbelievethemsm #doresearch #stopthesteal #thinkforyourself #MIvoterfraud #electionday #saveamerica #draintheswamp #msm #trump #maga #djt #45 #potus #shamimpeachment #trumpwon49states #landslide #biden #fraud #seeforyourself #tcf #electionfraud #45 #nothingtoseehere #electionteacher #pollworkers #pollworkertraining #electionintegrity #electionday #saveamerica #draintheswamp #msm #fakepresidentbiden #bidencrimefamily