Posted by [US] on 9/21/2021 to
Election Integrity
Supervisor Steve Chucri is caught on tape admitting he knew Maricopa County needed a comprehensive full forensic audit. Instead, he decided to help cover it up. Now it's time for him to come clean.
Chucri: "I think it was done through dead people voting. I think it was multifaceted."
Busch: "They threw everything but the kitchen sink at these elections. The information, the data we have is incredible. USA Today has put out a hit piece on our organization stating that the information we provided at our rally was conspiracy and unfounded truth. We have the evidence. We have the voter rolls. We have it, but they don’t want to admit it and you’re right it was multi-layered. It was dead voters."
Chucri: "Ballot harvesting, ballot harvesting!"
#electionintegrity #voterfraud #fraudvitiateseverything #maricopacounty #eyesonarizona #azaudit #ncswic #Arizona #leakedaudio #Chucri #FakePresident #sleepyjoe #BidenCrimeFamily #deepstate #cabal #treason #fraud #electionfraud #indictbiden #fakepresidentbiden #sleepyjoe #FakePresident #deepstate #trumpwon49states #landslide #biden #fraud #azaudit #alleyesonmaricopa #decertifyaz #decertify #stopthesteal #ballotharvesting #hotmic