Posted by [US] on 2/18/2021 to
Election Integrity
CNN's Lou Dobbs in 2006: " machines means our democracy is now for sale, without anyone doing a thing about it."
"American elections ought to be run by American companies. We believe this is a National Security issue."
"American elections ought to be run by American companies. We believe this is a National Security issue."
Mike Lindell's "Absolute Proof" documentary on voter fraud:
Whistleblower Dominion Footage!
Do the machines connect to the internet? YES!
Does Dominion have the passwords? YES!
Did the CEO LIE to Congress? YES!
Was massive fraud found with Dominion machines? YES!
John Soloman in the #WarRoom discusses findings from one of his recent public records requests.
Discretionary ballot adjudication process is another outcome-altering election fraud tool.
About 5,000 (~3%) of the 148,000 absentee ballots cast in Fulton County, GA were rejected by machines and required human intervention, according to logs obtained from Fulton County by Just the News. By law, spoiled ballots are not supposed to be counted.
While many of these error-riddled, over-vote ballots were for down ballot races, about 1,000 were incorrectly allocated to Biden. On a statewide level, this could have swung the race.
Kim Zetter, a top cybersecurity author featured in the NYT, VICE, Washington Post, WIRED, and Motherboard, gives a presentation on the multiple ways hackers can compromise the cellular modems used by voting machine companies. [Video is from February of 2020]:
#machinevoting #machinevote #dominion #smartmatic #mikelindell #votingmachines #2020election #electionfraud #fakepresidentbiden #trumpwon #voterfraud #electionfraud #dontbelievethemsm #doresearch #stopthesteal #thinkforyourself #MIvoterfraud #electionday #saveamerica #draintheswamp #msm #trump #maga #djt #45 #potus #shamimpeachment #trumpispotus #trumpwon49states #landslide #biden #fraud #seeforyourself #savethechildren #nothingtoseehere #absoluteproof #mikelindell #lindell #stopthesteal