Global Covid Summit 2022
Please take some time to watch the videos on this page, and share at will.
This first video is a compellation of brave, and highly respected scientists and doctors who have been speaking out.. and have been CENSORED!
Please share this Powerful Video Compellation, as well as this entire page with your loved ones.
- Doctors Are Being Legally Muzzled
- Real Doctors. Real Information. Real Facts.
- RFK Jr: Nobody Has Ever Complied Their Way Out of Totalitarianism
- Dr. Samuel Sigoloff: DO NOT JAB YOUR CHILDREN
- BBC Let a Truth Bomber on their Network
- Dr. Carrie Madej: How To Detox From the CV Vax
Canadian Covid Care Alliance
Sharing this video, is how Dr. Malone got banned from Twitter. *eye roll*
Dr. Robert Malone
Dr. Malone is an internationally recognized scientist/physician and the original inventor of mRNA vaccination as a technology, DNA vaccination, and multiple non-viral DNA and RNA/mRNA platform delivery technologies; Holds numerous patents in gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccine, including for fundamental DNA and RNA/mRNA vaccine technologies. He currently sits as a non-voting member on the NIH ACTIV committee, which is tasked with managing clinical research for a variety of drug and antibody treatments for COVID-19.
- Defeat the Mandates Rally in DC [1.23.22]
- Interview on Newsmax [Jan 2022]
- Living in a Lawless Society [Jan 2022]
- Dr. Malone Explains Mass Formation Psychosis [Dec 2021]
- Dr. Malone on Joe Rogan Podcast [12.30.21] Full Episode
- Mass Formation Psychosis - Dr. Desmet, Dr. Malone, Dr. McCullough [Dec 2021]
- Pfizer Knows the Vax is Deadly [Nov 2021]
- Gene Therapy Vaccines [Aug 2021]
- Warns the Vax makes the virus more dangerous [July 2021]
- Spike Proteins [June 2021]
Dr. Peter McCullough
- Defeat the Mandates DC Rally - Scientific ReAwakening [Jan 2022]
- Covid Q & A [Jan 2022]
- The Truth Behind the Lies [Dec 2021]
- Dr. McCullough at the Florida Covid Summit [Nov 2021]
- CDC VAER'S Database & FDA [Sep 2021]
- 5 CV19 Facts to End the Panic-demic [Aug 2021]
- Dr. McCullough Testifies to Texas Senate HHS Committee [Mar 2021]
- McCullough Early Treatment Protocol American Journal of Medicine
- Joe Rogan Podcast
- Dr. Peter McCullough Early Treatment Protocol
Dr. David Martin
David Martin, physician, business man, professor, author, storyteller, inventor, global foresight advisor, father, friend and Creator of the MCAM CNBC IQ100 index, specializes in putting humanity back into humans.
His first invention was a laser integrated system to target and treat inoperable tumors. His mathematics helped unravel the way the human body processes hormones and led to the detection and treatment of many diseases. His observation of human behavior led to his development of technology which deciphers the intention and motivation of communication – a technology that has impacted and saved the lives of billions.
- Criminal Conspiracy of a Genocidal Initiative [Nov 2021]
- CV Vax is not a Vaccine [Jul 2021]
- From Pathogen to Profit [Dec 2021]
- Zoom Meeting with Dr. David Martin, RFK Jr. [Jul 2021]
- It's not a Virus, it's a Bioweapon [Jun 2021]
- Fauci/Covid19 Dossier by Dr. Martin [pdf]
- 35 US CODE SEC 1010p
- Violation of Biological/Chemical Weapons and International Treaties
Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko
"Based on my front-line experience, it is essential to start treatment against Covid-19 immediately upon clinical diagnosis of the infection and not to wait for confirmatory testing. There is a very narrow window of opportunity to eliminate the virus before pulmonary complications begin. Delaying treatment is the essence of the problem. My treatment regime is attached and please know that as of today it has saved thousands of patients without serious complications or negative side effects. Hundreds of top doctors across the world have embraced prehospital treatment of Covid-19 in high risk patients."
Pierre Kory is the former Chief of the Critical Care Service and Medical Director of the Trauma and Life Support Center at the University of Wisconsin. He is considered one of the world pioneers in the use of ultrasound by physicians in the diagnosis and treatment of critically ill patients.
Dr. Christina Parks received her Ph.D in Cellular and Molecular Biology from the University of Michigan in 1999. She did her graduate research in the field of cytokine signaling. Cytokines are the chemicals that the immune system uses to communicate. Thus Dr. Parks brings a wealth of knowledge about how both COVID and COVID vaccines may affect the immune system. She has garnered significant attention for her testimony on Michigan House Bill 4471 which seeks to ban discrimination based on vaccine status.
Dr. lee merritt
Dr. Lee Merritt graduated from the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry in New York, completed an Orthopedic Surgery Residency in the United States Navy, and served 9 years as a Navy physician and surgeon before returning to Rochester, where she was the only woman to be appointed as the Louis A. Goldstein Fellow of Spinal Surgery.
Dr. Lee Merritt explains how MRNA Vaccines killed animals during testing and how MRNA Vaccines could be used to kill millions of people by first injecting people with the So Called Vaccine and then releasing a counterpart even years later to be killed at will - She calls this a Binary Poison aka "delayed death".
Dr. Ryan Cole is the Founder and Chief Medical Officer and Laboratory Director of Cole Diagnostics; a board certified Anatomic and Clinical pathologist with a subspecialty training and 20 years experience in molecular diagnostics.
On his website, he has Covid-19 early treatments and preventions.
Dr. Cole is also a Medical Consultant at MyFreeDoctor.com.
Dr. Michael Yeadon is the former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy and Respiratory for Pfizer.
His reputation has been attacked for speaking out against the Covid-19 vaccines, masks, asymptomatic spreading, virus variants, and vaccine passports, being called an anti-vaxxer and "conspiracy theorist". This video if from June 2021, and much of what he said, has turned out to be true.
Dr. Christiane Northrup explains spike proteins and gives new details on covid vaccine shedding and transmission, especially among women.
DR. bryan ardis
Dr. Bryan Ardis Exposes 'Death by Remdesivir Protocols of Fauci, CDC, NIH, WHO, FDA which causes organ failure and death which is then blamed on covid! He refers to their own study of Remdesivir which ended a one-year study early, at only 6 months due to serious illness in over 30% of participants! And Remdesivir is what they have been treating covid patients with, and STILL treating covid patients with, in hospitals.
This is genocide, plain and simple.
DR. Alexander Redko
Dr. Alexander Redko is the Chairman of he Professional Association of Medical Workers in St. Petersburg, Russia.
There is No Effective "Vaccine" that works for Covid
More brave doctors HERE, and on my Rumble channel. For CV vax alternative treatments, CLICK HERE.