Chlorine Dioxide After the CV19VX
Proof that chlorine dioxide aqueous solution can inactivate the binding of the variant spike proteins to the human ACE2 receptor protein. This means that if you have had the VAX and you need to get rid of the spike proteins chlorine dioxide can do it.

**Please Note:  I am not a doctor.  I am merely sharing important information from doctors and scientists that could be helpful to the masses.**

If you're not familiar with Chlorine Dioxide, below is a great documentary, along with reference links.  Please educate yourself.  The government and three-letter agencies do not have your best interest in mind.  It's all about money and control to the 'powers that be', and this antidote could keep you healthy for pennies. 

NASA proclaimed Chlorine Dioxide a universal antidote in 1987. Since that time thousands have recovered from illness using this substance and now many physicians and scientists are saying it is powerfully effective for many applications.  

>>More Information on CLO2<<

·       >>CLO2 Testimonials & References<<

·        Autism:

·        Dengue Fever:

·        Graphene Oxide:

·        Observational study of Chlorine Dioxide effectiveness to COVID-19:

·        Many more testimonials and conversations at the Universal Antidote Telegram Channel:

 #realdoctors #donotcomply #wearethecure  #justsayno #novax #nomandates  #MandatesAreNotLaws #WeAreTheResistance #DoNotComply #DoNotConsent #MassDefianceWork #covidhoax #plandemic #scamdemic #vaccinesideeffects #novaxformybaby #mybodymychoice   #wearethecure  #justsayno #novax  #greatawakening #nomandates  #faucigate #puppygate #animalabuse #beaglegate #firefauci  #faucithefraud #fauciisamonster #censoreddoctors #silenceddoctors #indictfauci #crimesagainsthumanity #fauciliedpeopledied #fauciliedpuppiesdied  #genocide #novax  #savethechildren #saveourchildren #covidhoax #billandmelindagatesfoundation #billgatesisevil #billgates #melindagates #liars #suddendeaths #bigpharma #pfizer #moderna #vaccine #itsnotavaccine #genetherapy #nobooster #nojab #resist



Marti Burger

Date 9/7/2021


Date 9/8/2021 2:37:29 PM


Date 3/8/2022

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